Into a Wind of Tear Gas: The Truth About Activism

Chung Ching Kwong 


2022 OFF in Oslo
Chung Ching (Glacier) Kwong is a political and digital rights activist from Hong Kong. In her speech at the 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum, Kwong delves deep into the mental, emotional, and physical challenges an activist faces, relating her experiences to those of the many other activists in Hong Kong who have long-standing traumas from the government’s crackdown on activism.

About the Speaker

Glacier Kwong

Chung Ching


Hong Kong political and digital rights activist

Glacier Chung Ching Kwong is a political and digital rights activist from Hong Kong. She is the founder and former spokesperson of Keyboard Frontline, an organization dedicated to monitoring online censorship and digital rights, and a columnist at Apple Daily, a pro-democracy newspaper with one of the largest readerships in Hong Kong before being shut down. Glacier first got involved in activism in 2012 due to Hong Kong’s proposal of a copyright amendment bill that would undermine freedom of speech on the internet. She has vocally criticized the use of surveillance technology and artificial intelligence to pursue authoritarian ends by the Chinese regime. Kwong is the Hong Kong Campaigns Coordinator at the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) and is now pursuing her Ph.D. in law at the University of Hamburg, where she lives in exile.

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