Unmasking Hate & Oppression: India's Authoritarian Decent

Raqib Hameed Naik


2024 OFF in Oslo
Raqib Hameed Naik is a journalist and founder of Hindutva Watch, India’s only operational digital database and hate tracker that documents hate crimes and hate speeches against the country’s religious minorities and other marginalized groups. The project has been described by The Washington Post as India’s most comprehensive real-time dataset of hate crimes. Naik also founded India Hate Lab, a research project that studies hate speech, disinformation, and conspiracy theories targeting religious minorities. In January 2024, the Indian government blocked access to Hindutva Watch and India Hate Lab websites and associated social media handles within the country.

About the Speaker

Raqib Hameed Naik founder of India Hate Lab and Hindutva Watch


Hameed Naik

Founder India Hate Lab & Hindutva Watch

Raqib Hameed Naik is a journalist and founder of Hindutva Watch, India’s only operational digital database and hate tracker that documents hate crimes and hate speeches against the country’s religious minorities and other marginalized groups. The project has been described by The Washington Post as India’s most comprehensive real-time dataset of hate crimes. Naik also founded India Hate Lab, a research project that studies hate speech, disinformation, and conspiracy theories targeting religious minorities. In January 2024, the Indian government blocked access to Hindutva Watch and India Hate Lab websites and associated social media handles within the country.

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