About the Speaker

American photojournalist
Stephanie Sinclair is an American photojournalist known for her explorations of human rights and gender. She is a regular contributor to publications for National Geographic, the New York Times Magazine, and TIME. Sinclair’s exhibitions have included “The Bride Price: The Consequences of Early Marriage Worldwide,” a one-day exhibit on Capitol Hill sponsored by the International Center for Research on Women, and “Self-Immolation in Afghanistan: A Cry for Help,” an exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Arts in 2010. Sinclair is the recipient of UNICEF’s Photo of the Year and the Lumix Festival for Young Photojournalism Freelens Award for her work documenting child marriage. She won the 2008 CARE International Award for Humanitarian Reportage, the 2009 Overseas Press Club’s Olivier Rebbot Award, and UNICEF’s Photo of the Year in 2009. She is also the recipient of an Alexia Foundation Professional Grant.