Indonesia's Hidden Colony

Benny Wenda


2012 OFF in Oslo
Benny Wenda is a West Papuan tribal leader and an advocate for the human rights and freedoms of West Papua’s people. Wenda shined a light on the plight of the people of West Papua, their ongoing fight for independence from Indonesia, and his own personal story of fighting for the freedom of his people.

About the Speaker

Benny Wenda



Chairman of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP)

Benny Wenda is a West Papuan tribal leader and an advocate for the human rights and freedoms of West Papua’s people. A leading figure in the region’s independence movement, he served as a special representative the British Parliament and the United Nations. He founded the Free West Papua Campaign, the International Lawyers for West Papua and International Parliamentarians for West Papua. In 2002, he was arrested and accused of inciting violence and arson, his home was ransacked and searched without a warrant, and authorities refused to inform him of the charges brought against him. He was tortured by police and held in solitary confinement for several months. He was granted political asylum with his family in the United Kingdom.

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