Africa's Military Scourge

George Ayittey


2012 OFF in Oslo
Ghanian economist and author George Ayittey founded the Free Africa Foundation in 1993 to serve as a catalyst for reform. In his speech at the Oslo Freeodm Forum in 2012, Ayittey provided a historic overview of the oppressive and bloody rule of military leaders in Africa. He described the way in which these generals have looted countless African countries and devastated much of the continent, and he proposed a set of practical steps to keep African states out of the hands of their militaries.

About the Speaker

George Ayittey



Ghanaian political economist

George Ayittey was a celebrated Ghanaian political economist, professor, author, ardent advocate of democracy and free markets, and founding member of the Human Rights Foundation’s International Council. For more than four decades, Ayittey was a public intellectual who called out authoritarianism as the root cause of all of the world’s worst problems and challenged deep-rooted dogmas about the causes of Africa’s problems, foreign aid, and development. He coined the phrases “African solutions to African problems,” “Africa is poor because she is not free,” and “Africa’s cheetah generation.” In 1993, he founded the Free Africa Foundation to serve as a catalyst for his vision for Africa. In the late 1990s, he helped Ghana’s opposition parties unify into a victorious electoral alliance in the 2000 presidential elections, which marked the first peaceful transfer of power in the country’s history and the end of nearly two decades of the dictatorship of former military ruler Jerry Rawlings. Some of his most influential books include “Defeating Dictators: Fighting Tyranny in Africa and Around the World,” “Africa Unchained: The Blueprint for Africa’s Future, Indigenous African Institutions,” and “Africa Betrayed.” His historic 2007 TED talk, “Africa’s cheetahs versus hippos,” received more than 23 million views online. He died in 2022.

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