Sponsorship Opportunities


The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) kindly invites your organization to become an official event sponsor for the 2023 Oslo Freedom Forum in New York (OFF in NY). This unique collaboration will provide you the opportunity to access OFF’s diverse network of international human rights advocates, multi-industrial business leaders, and media outlets and will serve as a valuable contribution to HRF’s mission.

Below, we have listed a variety of sponsorship tiers and outlined the benefits you would receive at each level. We look forward to discussing in-depth the options for collaboration that would best fit your organization’s strategic priorities.

Proposed Sponsorship Tiers

$250,000 Sponsorship

Patron Level

$100,000 Sponsorship

Interactive Level

$50,000 Sponsorship

Program Level

$25,000 Sponsorship

Partner Level

Explanation of Benefits

Theater Presentation

Your organization's representative(s) may speak for three minutes on the main stage with an HRF representative to discuss your organization’s support for HRF’s mission. Presentations have a live audience of 500-1,000, are live-streamed, and are recorded.

Karl Johan banner publicity

Your organization’s logo may be featured on the OFF banners that are hung along Karl Johans Gate, the main street in Oslo, in the days leading up to and during OFF. These banners are seen by thousands of local Oslo residents and tourists.

Interactive programmatic tracks

Interactive programming at OFF includes panel discussions, fireside chats, and workshops across four thematic tracks, challenging participants to think critically about issues discussed during theater talks and to forge partnerships and collaborations.


Your organization may host a reception or private breakfast during the conference. We typically organize an invite-only happy hour for representatives from your organization to present your work. HRF will collaborate with you on logistics and assemble a high-impact and engaging group.

Patron Pass (All-Access)

The Patron Pass ( $3,000) includes access to all lunches, dinners, receptions, main stage talks, and interactive programming, including the presentation of the Václav Havel International Prize for Creative Dissent.

Interactive Pass (Daytime)

The Interactive Pass (USD $50) includes access to all daytime programming during the conference, including main stage talks, interactive programming, and the presentation of the Václav Havel International Prize for Creative Dissent.

President’s Reception

The President’s Reception, held the evening before the first official day of programming (Sunday), is followed by the Speaker Dinner. This intimate gathering connects your organization’s representatives with HRF’s major supporters and stakeholders.

Speaker Dinner

The Speaker Dinner, held the evening before the first official day (Sunday), offers a unique opportunity for a sponsor’s representative(s) to connect with keynote speakers in an intimate setting due to its very limited capacity.

About the Oslo Freedom Forum

OFF is a transformative international conference series run by HRF bringing dissidents, activists, and journalists together with technologists, philanthropists, and academics to help make the world more peaceful, prosperous, and free.

Described by The Economist as the “Davos for human rights” and by The New York Times as an opportunity for “the world’s dissidents to have their say,” OFF is a place where industry leaders and activists come together to create new partnerships and collaborations.

OFF in NY is a one-day event where our New York-based community convenes to listen to theater talks by renowned human rights advocates and learn about the global struggle for democracy. The theater program is followed by a Gala Dinner, which includes live performances, talks, and time for networking.

15 years of the Oslo Freedom Forum

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Interested in becoming a partner or sponsor?

Please contact us on:

[email protected]

+1 (212) 246-8486

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