Réparer les femmes, un combat contre la barbarie (2020)
Réparer les femmes, un combat contre la barbarie (2020)

Réparer les femmes, un combat contre la barbarie


"The Kivu region, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, has been ravaged by armed gangs for around twenty years. To enslave the local population and exploit mineral wealth, the oppressors resort to the worst: massacres, pillaging, not forgetting rape and genital mutilation, which have become real weapons of war. Destroyed, their victims wander in the ruins of devastated villages. Two men stand together to repair their bodies and their hearts: Professor Mukwege and Professor Cadière. Since 1999, more than 40,000 patients have been treated at Panzi hospital. Crossing borders and ignoring threats, the two doctors work to help these broken women regain their dignity. A fight against barbarism which earned Denis Mukwege the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018."

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