The Case for Economic Freedom

Donald Boudreaux


2013 OFF in Oslo
Donald Boudreaux is a professor of economics at George Mason University, where he previously served as chairman of the university’s economics department from 2001 to 2009. At the Oslo Freedom Forum, he discussed the case for true economic freedom and its potential to uphold democracy and progress across the world.

About the Speaker

Donald Boudreaux



American economist and former president of the Foundation for Economic Education

Donald Boudreaux is a professor of economics at George Mason University, where he previously served as chairman of the university’s economics department from 2001 to 2009. Boudreaux also served as president of the Foundation for Economic Education. Throughout his career, Boudreaux has delivered lectures around the world on a wide array of topics, including international trade, law, and economics. His work has been published in The Wall Street Journal, Reason, The Washington Times, and scholarly journals such as the Supreme Court Economic Review and the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking.

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