Country of Origin: Cuba

Wai Wai Nu - My Struggle for Burma's Future

My Struggle for Burma’s Future

My Stone of Hope: From Haitian Slave Child to Abolitionist (2011)

Anastasia Lin - My Role in Acting for Change

My Role in Acting for Change

Audrey Mbugua _ My Quest for Acceptance

My Quest for Acceptance

My Name Is Jody Williams (2013)

My Name Is Jody Williams (2013)

Leyla Yunus - My Life For Democracy

My Life For Democracy

Vladimir Bukovsky - My Life as a Dissenter

My Life as a Dissenter

Grace Jo _ My Journey from North Korea to America

My Journey from North Korea to America

My Isl@m: How Fundamentalism Stole My Mind – and Doubt Freed My Soul (2013)

Ji Seong-ho - My Impossible Escape from North Korea

My Impossible Escape from North Korea

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