Privacy Disclosure

Last updated: May 8, 2024

We are committed to protecting the privacy and personal data that you provide to us for registration to the Oslo Freedom Forum (“OFF”). This Privacy Disclosure applies to the OFF mobile application (the “App”), owned and operated by the Human Rights Foundation (“HRF,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). We have created this Privacy Disclosure to tell you what information the App collects and who we will share that information with, if at all. Please see our Privacy Policy, located at  for a full disclosure of how we collect and use the personal information you or your mobile device provides through or on the App. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy, and to use the information it contains to help you make informed decisions.

Data Controller Contact

The Human Rights Foundation 

350 5th Avenue, Suite 6500

New York, NY 10118

+1 (212) 246-8486

[email protected]

Processing of personal data

We ask for your personal data to facilitate your registration for this event. 

Data we may collect

We only receive or collect information that identifies you personally if you choose to provide such personally identifiable information to us through the App or other means. In the course of operating the App, however, we will collect (and/or receive) information about:

  • Your personal information (full name, phone number, email address);
  • Account credentials for the App;
  • Personal data associated with third-party social media platforms (e.g. Google, Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn) for users that opt to create an account and login via those third-party social media platforms;
  • Usage data while using the App, including IP address, browser type, browser version, and your activity within the App;
  • Your bank and credit card information, as well as any financial information related to transactions conducted through the App or third-party services we employ to facilitate purchases in the App; and
  • With your consent, your location while using the App and/or photos and information stored in your device’s camera.

Other third parties that may access your personal data

Although we may share information with third parties as described below, it is strictly our policy to never sell your personal information to anyone. Once we have collected the information described above, we may share some or all of it with third parties for the following reasons. For example, we may share your data with organizations in order to facilitate OFF, including exhibitors, hotel partners, service providers, and other organizations. We may also share your information to help us improve App services or as necessary to comply with relevant laws and regulations. Specifically, we may share your information with:

  • Partner organizations or entities that we use to provide services to you. For example, to facilitate events, we may share your data with hotel or venue partners;
  • Affiliates of HRF or OFF; 
  • Service Providers who monitor and analyze the use of our service, to advertise on third party websites to you;
  • Parties involved in a business transfers, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company;
  • Business partners to offer you certain products, services or promotions; or
  • Other users if you share personal information or otherwise interact in public areas with other users, such information may be viewed by all users and may be publicly distributed outside.


If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this notice or our Privacy Policy, please e-mail us at [email protected].

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