My Fellow Prisoners (2014)
My Fellow Prisoners (2014)

My Fellow Prisoners


Mikhail Khodorkovsky was Russia’s leading businessman and an outspoken Kremlin critic. Under his leadership, the oil company Yukos revived the Russian oil industry, and as the company thrived, he began sponsoring programs to encourage civil society and fight corruption. When he was arrested at gunpoint in 2003, Khodorkovsky became Russia’s most famous political prisoner. Sentenced to ten years in a Siberian penal colony on fraud and tax evasion charges, he was put on trial again in 2010 and sentenced to fourteen years, despite the fact that the new charges contradicted the earlier ones. While imprisoned, Khodorkovsky fought for the rights of his fellow prisoners, going on hunger strike four times. After he was pardoned in 2013, he vowed to continue fighting for prisoners’ rights, and My Fellow Prisoners is a tribute to that work. A moving portrait of the prisoners Khodorkovsky met, My Fellow Prisoners tells the story of lives destroyed by bureaucratic criminality. It is a passionate call to recognize a human tragedy.

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