Oslo Freedom Forum Books

Explore our collection of books authored by Oslo Freedom Forum speakers and community members.

Featured Books

Alone Together (1987)

Elena Bonner
Mothers and Daughters (1992)

Mothers and Daughters (1992)

Elena Bonner


John Ralston Saul
Nation-Building (2005)


Francis Fukuyama
Liberalism and Its Discontents (2022)

Liberalism and Its Discontents

Francis Fukuyama

All Books

Broken Money - Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better

Broken Money: Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better

Lyn Alden

Captive: 2,147 Days of Terror in the Colombian Jungle

Clara Rojas

Cavernas Del Silencio

Armando Valladares
Check Your Financial Privilege

Check Your Financial Privilege

Alex Gladstein

Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth

Wole Soyinka

Class, Ethnicity, and Democracy in Nigeria

Larry Diamond

Collusion: How Russia Helped Trump Win the White House

Luke Harding

Community Paralegals and the Pursuit of Justice

Vivek Maru

Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes after the Cold War

Steven Levitsky

Connections and Symbols

Steven Pinker

Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle For Internet Freedom

Rebecca MacKinnon

Contra Toda Esperanza (Against All Hope) (1985)

Armando Valladares

Conversation in the Cathedral

Mario Vargas Llosa

Cops Across Borders: The Internationalization of U.S. Criminal Law Enforcement

Ethan Nadelmann

Create Your Future: A Memoir

Jack Healey

Crimes of War 2.0: What The Public Should Know

Benjamin Skinner

Cruel Britannia: Reports on the Sinister and the Preposterous Nick Cohen

Nick Cohen

Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet

Julian Assange

Daring to Drive: a Saudi Woman's Awakening

Manal al-Sharif
Dark Diversions - A Traveler's Tale (2012)

Dark Diversions: A Traveler's Tale

John Ralston Saul

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